Hi All,

Am using Pythong/C API for embedding. I have written a small-simple wrapper that does the low level functions and exposes the functionalities in a c++ style(i.,e the application layer doensnt use 'PyObject'). I am reading the contents of a file(Python script) and am running the same using PyRun_String; the script setups some variables in the Main Dict which i access it using the PyArg_Parse...etc etc(the standard way). This keeps running in a loop - i.,e it needs to be processed for every transaction - hence the Python wrapper is a singleton which preserves the main dict.

Am stumbling on a problem wherein when i try to access a variable in Python from C as a string - this variable in python was constructed by concatenating a float with a string(using 'str'), and hence the resulting python variable is also a string. If i comment out the variable , then the program runs fine; else it(C program) throws out a segmentation fault. A clueless as to how to debug this and suitable hints would be immense help. (If required , i can share the code for this - i just didnt want to send it here)

Secondly, can anyone point me to the Boost::python way of embedding - basically, i would like to know how to build/compile the program without using bjam.

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