"j.c." <jolix@mac.com> wrote in message news:CB290CFC-9ABD-4FF9-80C1-766E3063F8A6@mac.com...I am writing a packet base class that can be serialized. The class so far looks like:class packet_base{using namespace boost;
public:packet_base();~packet_base();friend class boost::serialization::access;template <typename Archive>void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int version){ar & m_length;ar & m_type;ar & m_method;}private:
uint16_t m_length;uint16_t m_type;uint16_t m_method;};The question now is how can I derive class A from packet_base and have both packet_base and A's variables serialized? Obviously base_class needs to be archived first so it's variables are at the front of the buffer.Thanks in advance.J
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