I have a question about the use of Any, especially when used in a larger facility such as program_options.  There doesn't seem to be a (easy) way to post-process the results of a facility that has generically stuffed a bunch of values into a list of Any's.  For example, if I wanted to a program to spit out all of its options to standard out, there doesn't seem to be any hooks to extract an Any value in a generic way (e.g., as a string).  Granted, I could derive a class and add methods to do so, but that doesn't work when Any is already embedded in the program_options implementation.

I certainly could be missing something here.  I haven't used Any or program_options yet, and trying to understand all of the possibilities from the spec-like doc is hard.  How do the rest of you do such things?

Jeffery Cavallaro, 1055 Joaquin-191A
Infrastructure Engineering
Google Inc.
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA 94043