Thanks, Bill.
I can declare a mutex but it doesn't have the lock/unlock methods described in the documentation-- the only thing that's public is the constructor/destructor. Could I have botched my installation of boost somehow? I just got it out of synaptic, thinking that that would be the least error-prone way to go.
Also, in the interest of all that "teach a man to fish" stuff so I can quit bothering you, is there a document somewhere that explains what a "concept" is in boost terms? (ie, is it a design specification for developers to work off of, or is it a pure virtual class actually described in a .hpp file somewhere?)

----- Original Message ----
From: Bill Somerville <>
Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2008 4:02:44 PM
Subject: Re: [Boost-users] Newbie question-- how do I get a Lockable?

Hi Henry,

Henry Holmes wrote:
> Sorry if this is a dumb question-- it looks like just about every kind
> of lock/mutex I could declare in the documentation wants to be passed
> a Lockable object, but I can find no such thing in any of the header
> files. I have the Boost Thread library installed and am able to make
> and run threads, and I have all sorts of other lock and mutex stuff
> defined, it just does not seem to correspond to the documentation at
> all. Am I just horribly confused about what the documentation means?
> Any help is greatly appreciated.
Lockable is not a type, it is a concept. Concepts are requirements a
type must comply with to be used by a type or function. The Lockable
concept is defined here
. The boost thread library provides types that implement these concepts
and they may be substitued where a suitable concept is required. This is
a form of polymorphism you may not be aware of. The types you may want
to instantiate for your requirements are probably described here
note that they all implement at least the Locakble concept.


Bill Somerville
Class Design Limited

Boost-users mailing list

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