Hello Gennadiy,

I have a question on may be existing or potential feature.

I works with a group of developers on a huge project. Our current intention is to test some (huge) software parts on the target using boost::test framework. Unfortunately the software produces some gigs of executables, so that we can not (and probably should not test all of them). I know we could group the test cases into the test suites and build dependencies between them, but that requires a lot of time for the system, which is being developed for some years.

Speaking with the collegues I came accross an issue to write test code inbetween the productive code and include only required files in the final test suites. Is it an utopic idea and do you think that could be implemented in boost::test?

A small example:

productive_header.h                                            productive_impl.cpp
some class defined here                                      this class implemented here
some use cases declared here
  & compiled if test code compilation                    test case implementations here as well

After all I can compile:

<productive executable> without tests by simply including productive_header.h

<test executable> with test by defining BOOST_TEST_MAIN and including productive_header.h

May be this already works so and you can point me to the documentation, where it is stated.

Many thanks,