Hi, I have visual studio 2005 and visual studio 2008 installed on my machine, and I would like to build Boost only with Visual Studio 2005 
If I use the following command,
bjam --toolset=msvc ...
and it only builds libboost-<libname>-vc9-mt.lib or .dll 
If I use the folllowing command
bjam --toolset=msvc-80 ... it builds libraries it without specifying the version number of Visual C++ compiler, eg. libboost-<libname>-vc-mt.lib.
My environment is set to use the compiler for VC8.
So far the workaround I've found is to uninstall Visual Studio 2008,  Build Boost with Visual Studio 2005. Reinstall Visual Studio 2008.
Any ideas on how to avoid this?