A couple of things:
a) you might try opening the the archive with the "no_header" flag.
b) I checked the output of my tests and I see that they do contain the end tag
</boost_serialization>.  You might try running one of tests and/or demos
to verify that these work on your system.  If they do, investigate what your
program is doing differently
c) I looked in the code in "basic_xml_oarchive.ipp" and it does contain code
to append </boost_serialization> at the end of the output.  You should
investigate why this code isn't being called.  If this is due to an error
in the library- we would be interested in the details.
Robert Ramey
"Sangeeta Singh" <singhs@yahoo-inc.com> wrote in message news:228C81146E16054AA04E582D4B8C34CD56D3C5@SNV-EXVS08.ds.corp.yahoo.com...



I have a need to be able to specify my own init routine for the xml serialization. I tried deriving a new archive from xml_oarchive_impl and tried to have a init() function there but that does not get invoked.


I am using boost serialization library ver 1.32.


The xml that is generated by the library is malformed. It generates the following line without corresponding end tag


<boost_serialization signature="serialization::archive" version="3">



There is no </boost_serialization> in the o/p xml.


Also my requiremet is that I do not generate this tag.






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