Hello Steven,
thank you very much for your nice and clean solution.
May I ask you to post the variadic version as it is, even if it doesn't compile. I'll try to find how to make it work. It will give me a good starting point to learn more about these techniques.
No not really.
Istvan Buki wrote:
> 1) Is MPL the right tool to transform a call to
> get_value< general, age >( a_person )
> into
> fusion::at_key< general::age >( fusion::at_key< general >(
> a_person ) )
Here's a modified form of your example. I couldn't get the variadic
> 2) If it is, could someone provide me some help on how to achieve such
> a result?
syntax to compile, so
there is a numeral tacked onto the end of the function name.
#include <boost/fusion/container/map.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/container/generation/make_map.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/sequence/intrinsic/at_key.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/remove_reference.hpp>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
namespace result_of {
template<class M, class K0>
struct at_key1 : boost::fusion::result_of::at_key<M, K0> {};
template<class M, class K0, class K1>
struct at_key2 : boost::fusion::result_of::at_key<typename
boost::remove_reference<typename boost::fusion::result_of::at_key<M,
K0>::type>::type, K1> {};
template<class K0, class Map>
typename result_of::at_key1<Map, K0>::type at_key1(Map& m) {
template<class K0, class K1, class Map>
typename result_of::at_key2<Map, K0, K1>::type at_key2(Map& m) {
namespace fusion = boost::fusion;
<< at_key2< general, general::age>( a_person )
namespace fields
struct general
struct first_name ;
struct last_name ;
struct age ;
} ;
struct address
struct street ;
struct postal_code ;
struct country ;
} ;
typedef fusion::map <
fusion::pair< fields::general::first_name, std::string >,
fusion::pair< fields::general::last_name, std::string >,
fusion::pair< fields::general::age, int >
> general_person ;
typedef fusion::map <
fusion::pair< fields::address::street, std::string >,
fusion::pair< fields::address::postal_code, std::string >,
fusion::pair< fields::address::country, std::string >
> address_person ;
typedef fusion::map <
fusion::pair< fields::general, general_person >,
fusion::pair< fields::address, address_person >
> person ;
using namespace fields ;
general_person gp =
fusion::make_map< general::first_name,
general::last_name, general::age >( "John", "Doe", 99 ) ;
address_person ap =
fusion::make_map< address::street,
address::postal_code, address::country >( "Foo street 1", "12345",
"Barland" ) ;
person a_person =
fusion::make_map< general, address >( gp, ap ) ;
std::cout << "Age: "
// << fusion::at_key< general::age >( fusion::at_key< general >(
a_person ) )
<< std::endl ;
return 0 ;
In Christ,
Steven Watanabe
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