Hello All,


I am trying to figure out the path to several files w/ the same name inside a certain directory structure.
I was thinking of using the find_file() function from the filesystem library (see below).  Unfortunately, the function stops when the first match is encountered.  Is there a better way and/or alternative??  Thanks.
bool find_file( const path & dir_path,         // in this directory,
                const std::string & file_name, // search for this name,
                path & path_found )            // placing path here if found
  if ( !exists( dir_path ) ) return false;
  directory_iterator end_itr; // default construction yields past-the-end
  for ( directory_iterator itr( dir_path );
        itr != end_itr;
        ++itr )
    if ( is_directory(itr->status()) )
      if ( find_file( itr->path(), file_name, path_found ) ) return true;
    else if ( itr->leaf() == file_name ) // see below
      path_found = itr->path();
      return true;
  return false;


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