Hi people,<br><br>I&#39;m sure this subject as already been treated. I apologies for requesting it one time again.<br><br>I try to compile boost libs as static libs (&amp; multi-thread &amp; universal &amp; why not monolithic) and now I&#39;m sure the ./configure compilation can&#39;t do that for me.<br>
So I began to go through the bjam way... but I&#39;m absolutely not sure of the syntax and options to do what I want. (--build-type=static ???)<br>My first try made me dynamic &quot;.a&quot; in many many folders and no ./include and no ./lib&nbsp; like in a standard install. And many error message when trying to copy files in the system lib directory (that I don&#39;t want to).<br>
<br>What is the good way to compile boost on mac OS as static lib in the good folders ?&nbsp; (I&#39;ve already done it on windows, I remember it much easyer, why ?)<br><br>Germain<br>