I've been using the BGL library with Visual C++ to implement the Kamada_Kawai algorithm and have had no errors. I moved this code to g++ and I've had many errors and particularly one that I do not know how to solve.
I have a seperate header file that plots the graph as shown below.

#include <boost/graph/graph_traits.hpp>



template <typename Graph, typename PositionMap>

void plot(Graph& g, PositionMap position, std::string graph_name) {


typedef graph_traits<Graph>::vertex_iterator vi, vi_end;



I receive the following error to the location where I typdef the graph_traits.


plot.hpp expected initializer before '<' token  KK_Algorithm line 26 


does anyone know what I need to do to correct this problem. As I mentioned earlier - this worked perfectly with Visual C++.


All suggestions are welcome. Thank you.