I've been trying to track down what the maximum number of arguments that can be added to boost::function<> is.  I'm starting to believe that the maximum number is 10 arguments.  As it seems that when I input 11 arguments VS complains with this error:

Error    1    error C2079: 'my_func' uses undefined class 'boost::function<Signature>'
Error    2    error C2440: 'initializing' : cannot convert from 'void (__cdecl *)(const char *,affine_transformation_range *,int,int,double,int,int,int,int,int,char)' to 'int'

My declaration looks like as follows:
function<void (const char*,affine_transformation_range*,int,int,double,int,int,int,int,int,char)> my_func(&XClass:build_with_cache_pool);

My member function is given by:
static void build_with_cache_pool(const char * image_name, affine_transformation_range * range, int maximum_number_of_points_on_model,int number_of_generated_images_to_find_stable_points, double minimum_number_of_views_rate, int patch_size, int yape_radius, int number_of_octaves, int number_of_ferns, int number_of_tests_per_fern, char temp);

Any help with this project would be greatly appreciated.
Ryan Lovelett