Just as a side note, if you are doing mixed managed/unmanaged code, and attempting to trace through dep issues, you will find dependency walker indispensable. Usually if it can't find a boost lib, you will likely need to update your PATH(env var).
I am using boost 1.35 on MSVC2005, WinXP SP2, with the prebuilt boost libraries from www.boostpro.com.
When trying to create a DLL, everything builds correctly. The DLL is correctly loaded by the exe, and the imported functions are visible.
That is, until I add
#include "boost//asio.hpp"
to the DLL source.
It still compiles and links, but at runtime I now get this error:
LDR: LdrpWalkImportDescriptor() failed to probe x:\simon\Dev\xpworkingcopy\trunk\client\lib\Network.dll for its manifest, ntstatus 0xc0150002
This suggests the DLL has not had all its dependencies fulfilled, correct?
I've tried putting boost_system-vc80-mt-gd-1_35.dll in my working directory, but no change.
Can anyone help me?
Thanks so much!
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