Hi all,

I've found very few references to the use of bundled properties for graph properties, as opposed to edge and vertex properties.  Are these supported?  I find that I can supply a bundled property type name for the adjacency_list constructor, but cannot use "get_property" to access individual field values.  This type of syntax works:

adjlist.m_property.fieldname = whatever;

but this does not:

get_property(adjlist, &graphproptype::fieldname) = whatever;

although it seems like the second form would be proper (for data hiding, and also the documentation suggests this is right - at least for old-style internal properties).

To be specific, the following code does not compile:

// test case for bundled graph properties
#include <boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using namespace boost;

/// circuit graph vertex properties
struct VertexProps {

/// circuit graph edge props
struct EdgeProps {

/// graph properties
struct GraphProps {
  int blah;

typedef adjacency_list<vecS,         // storage for vertices
                       vecS,         // storage for edges
                       directedS,    // edges are directed
                       GraphProps> TestGraph;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  TestGraph mygraph;

  set_property(mygraph, &GraphProps::blah, 1);


/usr/include/boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp: In function ‘void boost::set_property(boost::adjacency_list<OutEdgeListS, VertexListS, DirectedS, VertexProperty, EdgeProperty, GraphProperty, EdgeListS>&, Tag, const Value&) [with OEL = boost::vecS, VL = boost::vecS, DirS = boost::directedS, VP = VertexProps, EP = EdgeProps, GP = GraphProps, EL = boost::listS, Tag = int GraphProps::*, Value = int]’:
test_graphprops.cpp:29:   instantiated from here
/usr/include/boost/graph/adjacency_list.hpp:433: error: no matching function for call to ‘get_property_value(GraphProps&, int GraphProps::*)’

Any suggestions?

Thanks and Regards,
Jeff Trull