I usually use serialization w/program options, and I find it to be a clean solution.  

such as exe -i cfg_file.xml

where the input is a .xml serialization archive.

Otherwise you may want to checkout the link below:


On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 1:50 PM, HTT-Bird <tbird-contact@cox.net> wrote:
Alright, my problem is that in my configuration file, I need to carry data that
maps names to a set of permissions (represented as strings when in the file, of
course).  There are two basic solutions that I can think of: the
one-line-per-name approach and the entire-mapping-in-one-configuration-line
approach.  Is it possible to do the former with ProgramOptions and if so, how?
Also, what would be a good syntax for the latter?

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Timothy St. Clair