> We are *comparing* implementations on the same machine, with the same
> array, with the same simple access patterns and averaging the running times
> over 1000 runs. I even toggled which test runs first or second. IF the L1
> cache misses are an issue, that would slow *both* down, so multi_array
> must be EVEN WORSE than the test times showed right?
I wans't speaking of L1 cache miss on this particuliar test sorry for the inconvenience

> I think the conclusion is that the pointer based approach has a
> significant (up to20 times on my system) performance improvement over
> base+index approach (at least as implemented by multi_array).
Yes I came to the same conclusion. I was just pointing the fatc that the base+pointer is not the only way to do something (see my attachment in my previous post)

Again sorry for our misandurstanding