The the order of arguments _1 _2 shouldnt matter as far as the compiler crash
is concerned, since both objects are of the same type. There is an example
in the boost-bind tutorial that uses std::sort with bind just like this.
And as I said, it DOES work when I turn "use unicode response file" off.

best regards, Oliver

2008/8/7 Alan M. Carroll <amc@network-geographics.com>
Shouldn't that _2 be _1? Otherwise, isn't the third argument to the outer bind a binary functor? If so, could that syntax error be the cause of the crash?

At 03:59 AM 8/7/2008, you wrote:
>the following code makes the VC++ compiler (VS 2005) crash,
>but only when I am trying a release build ! The debug builds work fine.

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