2008/8/28 Jean-Pierre Bergamin <james@ractive.ch>
Roman Perepelitsa schrieb:
2008/8/28 Jean-Pierre Bergamin <james@ractive.ch>

   Is there a year_based_generator for easter dates somewhere lying
   around, waiting to be used by others?



Date generators from Boost Date Time Library can do that.
Here is the example: http://svn.boost.org/svn/boost/trunk/libs/date_time/example/gregorian/print_holidays.cpp
There are some year based date generators (like nth_day_of_the_week_in_month), but not for getting the easter date of a specific year.

Just checked wikipedia and it seems that it's really a non trivial task to implement easter date calculation using Boost Date Time. Sorry for misinformation.

Roman Perepelitsa.