2008/9/10 <aidforsoft@mail.ru>

> This sounds like the error you get when trying to use a native 32-bit
> DLL in a 64-bit (or vice-versa) .NET process.

Thanks, I have thought about this. I use  WinXP x86 and /MACHINE:X86
in my Visual Studio projects. In addtition, this assumption fails to
explain the fact that working of the DLL depend on the using of the
Boost headers.

Best regards,
Ilya Chumakov             mailto:aidforsoft@mail.ru


I'm using following solution:
__dllimport on function, i want to use into .NET application.
Than declare static method of class in .NET with atribute "dllimport(dllname,methodname)" (exact syntax lookup in documentation (such as msdn)).
I have some troubles with marshaling of string from .net application to C++.
.NET has very strange behaviour with marshaling strings - as i undestood, NET converts string to ASCII-string, if string doesn't have any symbol with ASCII-code greater than 127, and to unicode strings in other case.

There are two solutions:
To write COM, COM+, or DCOM component, and use interopt techniques on .NET.
In this case .NET generates interopt's object and .NET class for COM component opaque.

This means, your task looks like that:
Write dll / COM, than using it as described bellow.

Sorry for my english.