On Sun, Sep 21, 2008 at 2:23 AM, Juergen Hunold <juergen.hunold@ivembh.de> wrote:
On Friday 19 September 2008 21:37:01 trashing@gmx.net wrote:

> I've exactly that problem with MSVC++7.x. Compiling the class_to_test in
> the library with protected methods and trying to access this methods out
> from the test_case_class by including the header and #define protected
> public, gives me a "symbol not found compiler error". :-/

Yes, that trick will not work with msvc because the access specifiers (public,
protected, private) get into the mangled name in the lib. So you are out of
luck here ;-((

The '#define private public' trick works for me using MSVS 2005 and static libraries.
