on Sun Sep 28 2008, "Danilo Tomasoni" <tomasoni-AT-fbk.eu> wrote:
> 2008/9/26 David Abrahams <
> on Fri Sep 26 2008, "Danilo Tomasoni" <tomasoni-AT-fbk.eu> wrote:
> > Dear all.
> > I have some problems installing this fantastic libraries..
> > I have downloaded the svn version (revision 338) and the 0.9 relased version,
> > but either haven't a setup.py file that work.
> > In bindist/ folder, there is a setup.py file, that try to install all files in
> > bin/*
> > directory..
> > but this folder does not exists! in bindist folder exists only setup.py file.
> >
> > So.. how can I install python bindings for boost on my fedora 9 machine??
> > Thank you for advice!
> Please work your way through
http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_36_0/more/getting_started/index.html; it
> should help. Please also note that Boost doesn't include Python
> bindings for every library in the collection.
> Many thanks David for your advice!
> I have tried to follow your advice but I have encountered a little problem,
> and I can't find the solution on documentation.
> When I tried to install bgl-python-0.9 (boost.graph bindigs)
> I retrieved this error:
> [root@ciropom bgl-python-0.9]bjam --build-dir=/home/ciropom/Scaricati/bgl-python-0.9
> / --toolset=gcc --build-type=complete stage
> Unable to load Boost.Build: could not find "boost-build.jam"
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Attempted search from /home/ciropom/Scaricati/bgl-python-0.9 up to the root
> and in these directories from BOOST_BUILD_PATH and BOOST_ROOT: /usr/share/
> boost-build.
> So how can I load correctly Boost.Build?
> The documentation speak only about a "IO streams library error", and in this case it
> isn't the problem.
> The documentation recommend to ask in mailing list..
> I hope that you can help me...
> Many thanks for the time you spent for me!