On Oct 7, 2008, at 5:37 AM, katherine Maguire wrote:


There seems to be bug with boost 1.36.0 and the bjam 03.1.16, as if you use link=static,shared then the shared libraries overwrite the static versions.

When I include libboost_thread-mt.a in my project build with the above command, my application requires the libboost_thread-mt.dylib.

Hi Katherine,

I should have mentioned this before...

When we build both library variants, we always copy the dylibs out to a separate directory. When we link our apps, we only provide the directory that contains the static libs as a library search path.

The problem is that on the Mac the linker preferentially links libfoo.dylib over libfoo.a when you specify the linker command -lfoo and both libraries are on the library search path. The easiest way around that problem is to either rename your dylibs, something like libfoo.a and libfoo_d.dylib, or to segregate them in a different directory. (I think that there is also another linker option that you can use to force linking against the static libs, but I opted for the brute force "move the dylibs" approach. You might search the Apple Xcode Users mailing list for information about that approach.)

- Rush
