Hello Joaquín,
Thank you for explaining the documentation. I appreciate your hard work and dedication to the docs. I do think that it is unusual for an open source project to have such emphasis placed on its documentation.

In the spirit of getting feedback out there, please allow me to challenge a few things. I don't mean this as criticism of you personally or any other boost contributors; I'm just trying to help.

The tutorial and examples provided for multi_index are good. That is where I started and I was able to learn a lot from them. I totally agree with your learning English/dictionary analogy.

It was when I tried to go beyond the material covered in the tutorial and examples that I started getting frustrated. That's when I went looking for a reference and that is what led to my first post. A reference that was more easily browsable by class and method like JavaDoc, the Asio libraries, Doxygen and MSDN would be extremely helpful. As it is today, one must do a lot of clicking and scrolling to get to a particular method description with its paramaters and return value.

Patterning the multi_index reference documentation on the C++ standard docs certainly has some good logic behind it, but who looks something up in the C++ standard when they need to figure something out about C++? My guess is that it is not the typical C++ user. Everyone that I know refers to other reference materials. The C++ standard is certainly important if someone is trying to write a C++ compiler or a new implementation of the STL. So to me it seems like the C++ standard docs are most helpful to someone who is trying to follow or implement the standard, not use the standard. It seems like the boost library reference documentation is used mostly by people who are trying to use the library since the implementation is already done -- it's the header files themselves. From a user perspective, it seems like the documentation is patterned on an example that is suboptimal.

In short, I think that a reference that was searchable and browsable by class name, type name, method name, etc would be much quicker and easier to use for the typical multi_index user.


On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 1:10 AM, <joaquin@tid.es> wrote:
Hello Nick,

First of all, thank you for trying Boost.MultiIndex despite your struggle with
the documentation. My opinions on the issues you raise are below.

Nick Martin escribió:

Thank you for your quick reply. I had looked at the particular page that you
reference, but was confused by its contents.

I was confused by the reference documentation included with multi_index
for a few reasons.

The reference layout mimics that of the C++ standard, which is admittedly not
the user-friendliest around, but has the virtues of being very precise, oriented
towards concept description rather than member function description and, well,
standard. It takes time getting used to, but once you know how to use it you can
rest assured all the information you need is in there and is not particulary hard
to find.

For a feel of how the C++ standard documentation looks like you can take a
look at


and, in particular, to chapter 23 (containers). The reference is organized according
to the following scheme:

* General concepts and associated requirements (valid expressions, complexity,
exception-safety, etc.)
 + Concept refinements (for instance, associative container is a refinement of
 container): valid expressions, complexity, etc.
* Header synopsis: Lists, in pseudo-source-code form, the particular components
provided by the header. For each such component:
 + Component description: Concepts modelled and particularities.
 + Component synopsis: lists in pseudo-source-code form the member
 functions, types, etc. associated to the component.
 + Description of those member functions or aspects that are not implicitly
 covered by the concepts modelled by the component. This point is important:
 for instance, you can see in the description of std::list that std::list::begin() and
 std::list::end() are not explicitly commented, because all that can be said
 about them is already covered by the description of the concept "container".
 Member descriptions are grouped (for containers at least) as follows:
  - member typedefs
  - constructors, copy and assignment
  - iterators
  - capacity
  - modifiers (memfuns changing the state of the class)
  - observers (memfuns not changing ths state of the class)
  - specific operations (ops not covered by the general concepts)
  - specialized algorithms (operator==, swap, etc.)
 The description of each member function covers the following aspects:
  - Argument requirements
  - Effects (side effects, changes in the state of the class)
  - Complexity
  - Exception safety
 If some aspect is not explicitly covered, some default is assumed: for instance,
 is no explicit exception safety guarantee is given, basic safety is assumed.

Another thing you might find interesting to bear in mind is that the reference,
at least in the form provided by Boost.MultiIndex, is *not* the primary source
to learn what the lib is about or how its general usage is: this is accomplished
by the tutorial. The reference is meant to be used for finding *exact* information
about the components provided, once you have a general feel for the
library. To draw an analogy, tutorial and reference play the same roles as
an english textbook and a dictionary do in the context of language
teaching: you don't learn to speak English by diving head-first into the

My main points of confusion came from:

   * Reference pages have no introductory text -
     doesn't say what a hash index is, what it is used for, etc. The
     main reference page is
     especially terse

The description of what a hased index is is given here


which follows the general outline described above: component description,
after header synopses.

The main reference page is merely a directory to other sections, each devoted to
a different concept and/or component.

   * Header file "synopsis" - it is probably lost on me, but why are
     excerpts of the source code included?

Hopefully explained above.

   * Large amount of source code inclusion - as a user of the library
     I haven't found
     the inclusion of portions of the headers particularly helpful. I
     am sure that there
     is a good reason for them to be there, but why not just have a
     simple line or two
     stating that a particular header is required for certain situations?

Hopefully explained above: this pseudo-source-code is a terse way to list all the
relevant pieces (types, member functions, specialized functions) provided by the
component being documented.

   * Font usage - why are "Effects" "Returns" "Complexity" in the

     same size (or very similar size) font as "Modifiers"? It took my
     eye away from the actual method names, which is what I was
     looking for.

Oh. Well, the clauses "Effects", etc. are within a <blockquote> tag and should have an
indentation making them easy to distinguish from "Modifiers" etc, which are section
headers and appear without indentation. Do you see otherwise in your browser?

   * Why are the constructors, method names, etc so far down the page

     page downs on my computer)? It seems like that is the
     information that is most
     helpful/searched for.

Once you understand the general layout, it is not hard to locate what you want.
For instance, if I want to consult the constructors of multi_index_container,
I know I have to find them within the description of this class, under the section
"constructors, copy and assignment". In fact, the contents of
multi_index_container reference provides fast access to that section:


Now that I understand what I am looking at a little bit better, it does look like
multi_index does follow the same outline as some other boost libraries (like bimap).

Well, Boost.Bimap is designed on top of Boost.MultiIndex, and the docs from the
latter heavy influence the former.

Besides, other Boost libs follow this same convention. Take a look at the following


That said, multi_index still looks like it has a way to go to catch up with some
other libraries (Asio and Tuple, for instance), which I find much easier to use
and understand.

The ones that you mention are certainly superb libraries and I don't want to
contend about whose docs are better. But I certainly think that the C++ std style
is very well suited to a form of documentation that is not so easily attainable
with Oxiygen and other annotation tools: the latter tend to focus on documenting
each member function in isolation and favor the repetition of descriptions, while
the C++ std way focus heavily on concepts: in fact, one can say that concepts
are the primary part of a reference, and only departures from / extensions of the
concepts are explicitly annotated.

I also think that the more you get acquainted with this style of reference
documentation the better you'll like it.

I can see from the boost-users archive that documentation standardization
has been an issue for a while (goes back to at least 2005).

Unfortunately, I don't think an agreement about documentation style (as in
exposition style, not visual layout) has been achieved. The only guide we got in this
respect are the minimal indications given at:


I also realize that this is free software and the documentation is what it is.

I know there's a feeling that open source is generally lacking in the area of documentation,
but in this particular case I can assure you that documentation has been
given prominent treatment right from the start. This might be open source software,
but I've spent many hundreds of hours in it and my (unmodest) goal is that its quality be
second to none (commercial sw included) in all aspects, including documentation. Matter
of fact, more time has been invested in documentation than actual coding.

And I take all suggestions and criticisms very seriously. I'm not dismissing your
complaints but trying to understand them better and, hopefully, address them in a
satisfactory manner.

As a user that is used to documentation from other vendors and other styles
(JavaDoc, DoxyGen, MSDN library), this documentation is severely lacking.
That is a shame because I think that multi_index itself looks like a great library
that should be used by as many developers as possible.

Joaquín M López Muñoz
Telefónica, Investigación y Desarrollo

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