These libraries that you mentioned transport objects, which is great... very neat.
But I'm writing a protocol handler. Which has an RFC. Binary communications. Already defined.

So all of the above are as useful as boxing gloves for peeling oranges.

I'll be writing the code, as I said, and then send a link here for you to see.

Thank you for your input,

On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 12:15 AM, Ray Burkholder <> wrote:
When you mention data marshalling, two projects come to mind (mostly on the inter-process communications [ie network application] side of things):
If you need a rfc like protocol handling, I've found:  (you need to pay money)
or  (open source)
Or are you heading in a different direction than these 'established' libraries?

Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 20:27

Subject: Re: [Boost-users] Asio Protocol Decoder interfaces/templates

Protocol encoding and decoding.

I found a library that promises this, which ironically is a candidate for Boost inclusion:

I was hoping to get the library and find a set of classes used for protocol data marshalling but instead it looks like the creator focused only on an HTTP client, which is nice, but limited (for now, at least).

I joined the mailing list for the library and I asked if there are any plans to actually develop something more complete and capable of dealing with binary elements on a protocol.

This is not hard at all, and I could (and as I see it I will be forced to) write some basic wireframe framework that actually does the protocol parsing. This is something that, as I commented earlier, is done very nicely by Apache MINA for Java.

My hope now is that this library fulfils it's duty to actually implement protocol helpers completely and continue to do so the Boost way (the "right" way).

I will continue my development from what I downloaded from them and then contribute it back for others like me to have such a facility in the future. Though I hope I am not reinventing something out there.

Rodrigo Madera

On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 8:47 PM, Ray Burkholder <> wrote:
What is protocol muxing? 

From: [] On Behalf Of Rodrigo Madera
Sent: Thursday, October 30, 2008 16:57
Subject: Re: [Boost-users] Asio Protocol Decoder interfaces/templates

Also, if anyone could please point to some examples as how you currently do protocol decoding.
Anyone here on the list ever dealt with protocol muxing?

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