I am struggling to try to get bind/function working like I want.  Some code first though:

1.  We have a POD object.

namespace POD{ class POD{};}

2.  We have another class that wants to do something with a POD*.

namespace Alpha{ class MethodsInHere{

     void doesSomething(POD::POD* arg0){}


3.  We have a third class, essentially a function handler, that has a boost::function reference whose signature matches the method in #2, and a constructor which wants to set the reference.

namespace EventHandler{ class EventHandler{

        EventHandler(boost::function<void (POD::POD*)>& function): assign_to_me(function){}

        boost::function<void (POD::POD*)>& assign_to_me;

4.  Finally, we have an initialization class.  This class wants to instantiate the EventHandler object, and to do so needs to bind the method in #2 to pass in as an argument.

POD::POD* instance = new POD::POD();
Alpha::MethodsInHere mih;
EventHandler eh(boost::bind(&Alpha::MethodsInHere::doesSomething, ????, _1))


My question is basically if this is possible.  I was having a ton of trouble getting this to work, and after digging through some docs it seems like the '?????' in line of code in #4 needs to be a reference to eh . . . which isn't constructed yet.

If I'm wrong, please tell me how to construct this bind properly.  If I'm right, what sort of workaround could solve this?