You're absolutely right about the reference.  That led to a process of chasing bugs in much more complex code than in my example that made me sprint right past the way to properly use the boost::bind/boost::function pair I needed in my event handler because I attributed some seg faults to it.

Do not code while half asleep!

Thank you for your and Alan's reply.

On Sun, Nov 2, 2008 at 6:57 PM, Ryan Gallagher <> wrote:
Charles Milutinovic <kssarh <at>> writes:
> namespace Alpha{ class MethodsInHere{
>      void doesSomething(POD::POD* arg0){}
> };}
> namespace EventHandler{ class EventHandler{
>    public:
>        EventHandler(boost::function<void (POD::POD*)>& function)
>           : assign_to_me(function){}
>        boost::function<void (POD::POD*)>& assign_to_me;
>     };}

I don't think you want assign_to_me to be a reference,
but just hold by value.  Otherwise you're holding a reference to
a temporary below.

> Alpha::MethodsInHere mih;
> EventHandler eh(boost::bind(&Alpha::MethodsInHere::doesSomething,
>                             ????, _1))
> --------My question is basically if this is possible. 
> I was having a ton of trouble getting this to work, and after
> digging through some docs it seems like the '?????' in line of
> code in #4 needs to be a reference to eh . . . which isn't
> constructed yet.  If I'm wrong, please tell me how to construct
> this bind properly. 

Sorry, but you're wrong.  You want "????" to be "mih", not "eh".
"doesSomething"'s type is basically
"(Alpha::MethodsInHere&, POD::POD*) -> void"
hence you need and instance of Alpha::MethodsInHere.  HTH,


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