I had a project using both native and CLR code C++.Net.
I added serialization to it. Its just crashing. I checked RTTI IS enabled..
I had this problem earlier. I had split the serialization function to both .h and .cpp files. Then it disappered when I wrote it in the class declaration in the .h file.
But after I did the same to all the classes (almost 20) that needed serialization. It compiles fine, but crashes even before starting..
Debug information
//below the msg box that appears
Microsoft Visual C++ Debug Library
Debug Assertion Failed!
Program: g:\Development\R50\Debug\New Rapid Vision.exe
File: f:\dd\vctools\crt_bld\self_x86\crt\src\dbgheap.c
Line: 1511
Expression: _CrtIsValidHeapPointer(pUserData)
For information on how your program can cause an assertion
failure, see the Visual C++ documentation on asserts.
(Press Retry to debug the application)
Abort Retry Ignore
//stack trace
msvcr90d.dll!_msize_dbg(void * pUserData=0xdc9ffce0, int nBlockUse=2) Line 1511 + 0x30 bytes C++
msvcr90d.dll!_dllonexit_nolock(int (void)* func=0xdcd983c0, void (void)* * * pbegin=0x0012eecc, void (void)* * * pend=0x0012eec4) Line 295 + 0xd bytes C
msvcr90d.dll!__dllonexit(int (void)* func=0xdcd983c0, void (void)* * * pbegin=0x0012eecc, void (void)* * * pend=0x0012eec4) Line 273 + 0x11 bytes C
New Rapid Vision.exe!_onexit(int (void)* func=0x00467f20) Line 110 + 0x1b bytes C
New Rapid Vision.exe!atexit(void (void)* func=0x00467f20) Line 127 + 0x9 bytes C
New Rapid Vision.exe!boost::serialization::singleton<boost::archive::detail::`anonymous namespace'::oserializer_map<boost::archive::xml_oarchive> >::get_instance() Line 104 + 0x34 bytes C++
New Rapid Vision.exe!`dynamic initializer for 'boost::serialization::singleton<boost::archive::detail::`anonymous namespace'::oserializer_map<boost::archive::xml_oarchive> >::instance''() Line 121 + 0x8 bytes C++
[Managed to Native Transition]
New Rapid Vision.exe!_initterm(void** pfbegin = 0x004683C4, void pfend = ) Line 130 C++
New Rapid Vision.exe!<CrtImplementationDetails>::LanguageSupport::InitializeNative() Line 534 C++
New Rapid Vision.exe!<CrtImplementationDetails>::LanguageSupport::_Initialize() Line 657 C++
New Rapid Vision.exe!<CrtImplementationDetails>::LanguageSupport::Initialize() Line 855 C++
New Rapid Vision.exe!?.cctor@@$$FYMXXZ() Line 901 + 0x9 bytes C++
[Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for mscorwks.dll]
With best Regards
Rajavanya S
Twitter me @ https://twitter.com/quakeboy
I Blog @ http://www.techtola.com
Call me @ 9916-90-93-92
"True love is knowing a person's faults, And loving them even more for them."