I have the problem of a connection becoming invalid (being set to NULL) even though
none of the things mentioned in the signals documentation happens:

Signal/slot disconnections occur when any of these conditions occur:

Is anyone aware of other conditions under which a connection could become NULL ?

Here is a code snippet:

boost::signal<int(vtkLookupTable*)> m_signal;
boost::signals::connection m_connection;
CScalarBarLayerGeometry* l_receive = cast_poly<CScalarBarLayerGeometry*>(p_layer->GetGeometry())
m_connection =  m_signal.connect(boost::bind(&CScalarBarLayerGeometry::SetLookupTable,l_receive, _1));

The first time I invoke m_connection.connected()
it returns true. The second time it returns false and the connection is NULL.

Any help would be appreciated.
Best regards, Oliver