On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 2:41 PM, Tim Keitt
<tkeitt@gmail.com> wrote:
Geoff Hilton <geoff.hilton <at>
t-optlogic.com> writes:
> Where:
> typedef boost::property<
> boost::vertex_index_t,
> unsigned long long,
> MyVertexProperty> VertexPropertyWrapper_type;
I believe adjacency_list has an internal vertex index property by default when
choosing vecS for the vertex container, so you should not need to add it. Do
things fail without it there?
That's correct.
Just declaring a vertex index as a property (either bundled or interior, as here) won't buy you any new functionality. It just provides a place where you can assign an index for each vertex or edge. The problem that this half-solves is that nearly every algorithm in the distro requires a vertex index map (or edge index map, more rarely), and providing this will allow the default arguments to automatically extract a property map for vertices/edges.
It won't - or shouldn't??? automatically assign indices. Also, if you remove a vertex or edge, you may have to renumber vertices.
Andrew Sutton