I have a class, where I want callers to be able to register/deregister signals/slots.  They will pass in a function pointer, and we'll hook it up to the signal, and manage the connection object.

Part of the management, is I need to map the function pointer to the actual connection object.  This is where the trouble comes in.  Since a boost::function doesn't have an operator <, the simplest way is to just map it to an unsigned long long, and store the raw address of the underlying function.

So, my connect function:

typedef VSSP (*TargetType) ( std::string, EncodingEnum);
typedef boost::function < VSSP ( std::string, EncodingEnum) > CreateTypeFunc;

bool ElementBase::connectCreateTypeSignal(const CreateTypeFunc& slot)
    LOG4CXX_DEBUG(logger_, "connectCreateTypeSignal in");
    bool retValue = false;
    unsigned long long slotAddr = (unsigned long long)slot.target< TargetType >();
    LOG4CXX_DEBUG(logger_, "*** slotAddr = " + (boost::format("%08X") % slotAddr).str());


One of my checks, is to ensure that you don't connect the same thing multiple times.  So, I have a test case that does this, and expects it to bomb out:

VSSP getTypeSlot(std::string fqn, EncodingEnum encoding)
        return VSSP;

BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_CASE(ElementBase_connectCreateType, ElementBaseTestFixture)
    BOOST_CHECK(true == ebp->connectCreateTypeSignal(getTypeSlot));
    BOOST_CHECK(false == ebp->connectCreateTypeSignal(getTypeSlot));

My debug printouts, are shoing unexpected behavior.  The address that I am getting from target is different every time it is called, even though I'm calling with the same function (getTypeSlot).  I would expect this if I was getting the address of the function object, because I'm creating one implicitly through the call, but not dereferencing via target(), unless I'm misunderstanding what target() does. 

I just need the stupid address of the function passed in.  Help!!

