On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 4:52 PM, James C. Sutherland <James.Sutherland@utah.edu> wrote:
Can a visitor modify properties in a graph?  I would like to use the following visitor with the breadth_first_search algorithm:

 struct ExecPriorityVisitor : public boost::default_dfs_visitor
   void start_vertex( Vertex v, Graph& g ){ g[v].priority = 0; }
   void examine_edge( Edge e, Graph& g ){
     const Vertex src  = boost::source(e,g);
     Vertex dest = boost::target(e,g);
     int& priority = g[dest].priority;
     priority = std::max( priority, g[src].priority + 1 );

However, it fails to compile because apparently the graph argument must be const.  That implies that I cannot modify graph properties from within the visitor?  Why not?

You can, and there are two ways to go about doing it: the dirty way, and the kind of weird way.

1. You could pass the graph by const&, and then const_cast it and modify the property. That's the dirty way.

2. The weird (but right) way is to define the visitor to hold a read/write property map to the graph property in question. The visitor method still takes the graph by const&, but you have an object that has a non-const& that allows you to modify properties.

Be careful that the property you're modifying isn't being used by the algorithm. You might get weird results.

Andrew Sutton