Hi there. I am attempting to get the facebook thrift/scribe framework installed on an ubuntu 8.10 server which requires boost and libboost. I thought I'd installed boost correctly, simply by downloading the most recent tarball and doing a ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/boost and then a make install (which took about 30 minutes).
However, when attempting to configure scribe with the following params,
./configure --with-boost=/usr/local/boost -with-boost-system=boost_system-gcc42-mt-1_37 -with-boost-filesystem=boost_filesystem-gcc42-mt-1_37
I ended up with an error like this as the last line of the configure output:
configure: error: Could not link against boost_system-boost_system-gcc42-mt1_37 !
I am wondering if this is a known problem with this version of boost, or if anyone who listens to this list might have some advice for me. Thanks!