> Is there a solution?

It appeared to me that the likely winner was: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_37_0/doc/html/lambda/extending.html

Then it seems we would use the boost array's typedef value_type to get the return type. However, I do not see operator[] overloading in the list of supporting operators here.

But the following code compiles:
//Testing lambda and vectors/arrays.
using lambda::_1;
std::vector<Real> vec(1);
vec[1] = 0;
boost::function<Real (std::vector<Real>)> vec_f = _1[0]; //Returns the 0'th element.

Hence, it seems that this type of action is supported. Any idea where the sourcecode for the std::vector lambda operators are? might be useful to just copy/paste.

Also, I wonder if there is any way to do this generically for all vector/array types supporting the Container concept? (I use a lot of ublas::vectors). And if operator() is also supported, I use a lot of ublas::matrix as well, so this would be nice to have in lambda.
