On Fri, Jan 23, 2009 at 12:15 PM, Roger House <rhouse@sonic.net> wrote:
I'm looking for a good book on graph algorithms, perhaps something a bit different than the usual introductory book.
For example, I would like an algorithm for finding all paths from vertex v to vertex u, not necessarily the shortest
one or the longest one.  Also, algorithms for determining the girth, diameter, and other properties of graphs are of
interest.  Or perhaps I should be looking at journal papers?  Any pointers will be appreciated.

I'm not sure about books on graph algorithms, and (in my experience) journal papers on graph algorithms aren't generally geared towards implementers.

There are algorithms in sandbox/SOC/2007/graphs that compute girth, diameter, and several other measures. They were supposed to be integrated into the trunk pending a mini-review, but it never happened. I may try to decouple from them the SoC changes to the library and add them to the trunk, but I probably won't have time for a while.

Andrew Sutton