Hi all!
Steven were right. It was a permission issue. Know boost is installed in /usr/local but CMake is still failling to find boost_1_37_0 include directory.
James suggested me to set set(Boost_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS "1.37.0" "1.37" ) in the CMakeLists. I did it, but it is the same.
Is this possible to use XCode with CMake?

2009/1/26 Steven Watanabe <watanabesj@gmail.com>

rolf ngondo wrote:
I'm developping an application using boost on MAC OS X, using CMake as system compiler.
I succesfully built the same application with CMake on windows and it works fine.
But on Mac OS, the build fails. It sounds like CMake failed finding boost include directory.
I tried the bjam command : bjam --builddir=anydir --toolset=gcc --with-some_boost_lib install.
I got libs but it skipps creating any directory on /usr/local/.
If anyone succeeded on installing boost properly in /usr/loal... please help.

Is this a permissions issue?  If bjam fails to create any directory
then it skips creating all subdirectories.  Look for the first line that
begins with

In Christ,
Steven Watanabe

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