On Mon, Jan 26, 2009 at 9:32 PM, Raymond Wan <rwan@kuicr.kyoto-u.ac.jp> wrote:
Sorry, I got into the discussion late, but one book that hasn't been mentioned is Sedgewick's Algorithms in C++ Part 5:  Graph Algorithms.  I actually have the C version and expect the C++ version to look very similar to the C version...

I've got an early printing of the C++ version (first edition), and the code is only nominally C++.  It's basically the sort of C++ you'd expect from a C programmer in 1992.

That said, it's a fine algorithms book.

And I hear that he has completely revised it in a 3rd edition:
Anyone have an opinion on the third edition?

however, I do prefer CLRS over this one...

As do I... At least compared to the 1992 Sedgewick edition that I have.
