I want to use RBGL http://bioconductor.org/packages/2.3/bioc/html/RBGL.html into my project (I use BGL) for to use the function minCut() for to obtain the minimum cut and **the list of two subsets (S and V-S) cutted from the algorithm** (for me this is an import "thing").
I have readed all pdfs all docs, but I don't understand how I can use this library/dll in my project.
Also, I have tried to add the sources files to my project (mincut.cpp, mincut.hpp, RBGL.hpp) and rebuild all, but the compiler don't find the Rdefines.h include file :°(.

Please, somebody can help me with some example?
I use C++ Mingw compiler and Code::block editor.

I didn't even know that this project existed... Maybe I should add it to the user's page.

I'm not entirely sure what your goal is. If you're using R, why are you writing C++? Maybe the R/RBGL list or mantainers would be able to answer this question better.

Andrew Sutton