
I'm getting problems creating a boost::archive::text_iarchive with boosts version 1.35.0 and Visual C++ Studio 2005 (Version 8). When I do so I get a std::bad_alloc exception. The code is as follows:

void Serialize::deserialize(std::
ifstream &modelFile,
                            CoreModel &c)
        boost::archive::text_iarchive ia(modelFile); // This line throws the exception (I've seen it with the debugger)
        ia >> c;
    catch (std::exception& ex)
        // I catch the bad_alloc here

And this code si called this way:


for (...)
    modelFile.open(model_name.c_str(), std::ios::binary);
    if (modelFile.is_open() == false)
        // ... We deal with the error but it does not get into here

    CoreModel model;
    Serialize::deserialize(modelFile, model);


With the debugger I have seen that the exception is thrown into the method text_iarchive_impl<Archive>::load. The method basic_text_iprimitive::load is not setting the size of the string and when the string resize is done the value is huge (is garbage actually) and it throws the std::bad_alloc.

Digging into the mailing list I have seen a thread that explains the same problem:


But the solution proposed there does not fit me (As far as I can see).

Francisco Javier Sanz Olviera