Hi John,
Thanks for the reply, I've already changed my code to use regex.h from standard C library and it's working so I'll stick with it now.
I never knew about that option and always just compiled with default library. It may explain why my 3 or 4 attempts to use Boost have never worked. I'll give it another try when I have some spare time.

Thanks again, Colin

On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 1:02 AM, John Maddock <john@johnmaddock.co.uk> wrote:
I'm trying to use Boost regex for the first time and I'm having trouble
getting libboost_regex to link.

The libraries are in /usr/lib64 and I try adding -lboost_regex to CC command
and also explicitly adding /usr/lib64/libboost_regex.so or .a but I keep
getting the same linker errors whether the library is specified or not.

I'm using Sun Studio 12.

What am I doing wrong?

My guess is that you have different compiler options specified for the application you're building and for the libboost_regex.so, a likely candidate is that bjam will build Boost.Regex with the -library=stlport4 option, where as you're application isn't?

HTH, John.

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