Thanks John.

On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 3:09 AM, John Maddock <> wrote:
When I enter the following reg-ex: "^.*ab+c+d+" for the following text:
"aaaabbbcccdddee" the text found is:"aaaabbbcccd". The text found should be:
"aaaabbbcccddd". Digging deeper, its seems that the reg-ex function ignores
the last character if it is a "+".

This is just using boost::regex_search with the flags = boost::match_any and

Am I missing something here?

Yep, match_any says to the regex engine "I don't care what the match is, only if there is one", so it makes certain optimizations that result in the shorter string being found.  Stop using the match_any flag and you'll get regular Perl-like behavior.

HTH, John.
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