Did you verify that you have a file named boost_python-gcc41-mt.so or
boost_python-gcc41-mt.a? Depending on the options you used when you
installed boost they may have a different name, such as without the
gcc42 or with an extra -1.38.

Yes I verified that those are the names.  My compiler version is gcc41.  I had to downgrade from gcc42 to gcc41 because
Cuda has problems running at higher versions of the compiler. 

To install hedge or pycuda, I only have to put boost_python-gcc41-mt in this file he wants us to make:

The following text should be placed in $HOME/.aksetup-defaults.py:

BOOST_INC_DIR = ['/users/sfield/pool/include/boost-1_38/']
BOOST_LIB_DIR = ['/users/sfield/pool/lib']
BOOST_BINDINGS_INC_DIR = ['/users/sfield/pool/include/boost-numeric-bindings/']
BOOST_PYTHON_LIBNAME = ['boost_python-gcc41-mt']
BOOST_MPI_LIBNAME = ['boost_mpi-gcc41-mt']

Should I try to change the name to boost_python-gcc41-mt.so or boost_python-gcc41.a?  I have all of these files in my boost library folder.

These are the things I need to get installed:

I'm stuck and don't know what else to do....