
I'm new in the list, I from Brazil, so, sorry about my english :)

I have a problem, I am try to compile the QuickStart Python Example on ubuntu 8.04 using the 1.34 library version, this is the result:

fagner@fagner-desktop:/usr/share/doc/libboost-doc/examples/libs/python/example/quickstart$ sudo bjam toolset=gcc --verbose-teste test --debug-configuration
notice: found boost-build.jam at /usr/share/doc/libboost-doc/examples/libs/python/example/quickstart/boost-build.jam
notice: loading Boost.Build from /usr/share/boost-build
notice: loading site-config.jam from /etc/site-config.jam
notice: loading user-config.jam from /usr/share/boost-build/user-config.jam
notice: using gcc libraries :: <toolset>gcc-4.2 :: /usr/bin /usr/lib /usr/lib32 /usr/lib64
notice: using gcc archiver :: <toolset>gcc-4.2 :: /usr/bin/ar
warning: toolset gcc initialization: can't find tool windres
warning: initialized from
notice: using rc compiler :: <toolset>gcc-4.2 :: /usr/bin/as
error: Unable to find file or target named
error:     '/boost/python//boost_python'
error: referred from project at
error:     '.'


What's my mistake?

Fagner Patrício
João Pessoa - PB