I have to parse a leading timestamp in a bunch of records, and I would like to avoid having to copy each record into a stringstream just to parser the timestamp.  Does anyone know how to call the date_time time_input_facet directly?  I did something like the following:

char buffer[N];

typedef boost::date_time::time_input_facet<boost::posix_time::ptime, char, char *> TimeFacet;

TimeFacet *f = new TimeFacet;
boost::posix_time::ptime t;
f->get(buffer, buffer + size, ???, t);

But I don't know what to pass for the 3rd arg, which is an ios_base &.  I tried an ios instance and a stringstream instance, but I couldn't get anything to work - the compiler can't seem to match the call.

Jeffery Cavallaro, MTV-45-208G
Infrastructure Engineering
Google Inc.
1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
Mountain View, CA  94043