> there is a compile error when trying to get a particular value from a
> nonexistent member of a bundled property map. Is that a case that is
> important to you? There are several Boost graph algorithms that make a

Thanks a lot for your detailed answer :)
No, for the moment, that case is not important to me, as, for the moment,
the only real need I have is to find out whether a given graph has the internal
vertex-index property that, for example, adjacency_list with vecS for
vertex list has.
Based on this information, I'll directly invoke algorithms
that need that property, or I'll build a property_map with assigned indices
for vertices and pass it to the algorithm.
Right now I always do this last option, but it would save running time,
if I could detect when this property already exists,
so that I don't have to create the property map, which takes linear time.
