A nube question . I have been trying to understand the whole link process in VC++ . I use visual studio 8. I was trying to install the prebuild boost libs from boostpro and I tried to build my source against 1) , 2) and 3) .
The three are.
1)Multithread, static runtime
3)Multithread , DLL
I expected there to be Multithreaded static lib and then a multithreaded dynamic shared dll . Just 2 of them , not 3 . Could someone explain the need for 3 and not just 2. OR point me to a article or something please .
I have vaguely figured that
1) static boost and static CRT .
2) static boost and dynamic CRT.
3) dynamic boost and dynamic CRT.
am i right ?
I believe boost automatically picks up the right libs based on your project .
So , when i tried to build a simple project using these libs .
while using the /MT option for code generation , 1) was used as I expected it to.
while using the /MD option for code generation , it linked to 2) .
I am not able to build using 3) , in spite of a lot of probing into the VC8 configuration options .
Also , what configuration would be needed to make my project use the boost dll i.e 3).
thanks in advance .