I've been printing the states and the "current" state seems to be the expected one. On the otherhand the callback function is indeed being called asynchronously (but I now for sure that is only fires in that state because subscription only happens there).
If I would rewrite the code to use the asynchronous_state_machine I could fire events through the fifo_scheduler and the problem would be solved?
> The UpdateNewCANMessage is a callback function defined in the
> ICANMonitorClient interface. This method is being called when new data
> frames arrive (that works) but then I want to notify the state machine to
> proceed to its next state effectively by sending an EvNewFrame event but
> nothing happens.
>First of all, before calling post_event, you can try and print-out
> I tried this->post_event( EvNewFrame() ); // no effect
> and this->post_event( boost::intrusive_ptr<EvNewFrame>( new EvNewFrame( ) )
> ); // no effect
current states info (see StateChart tutorial). Besides, you can step
into post_event in order to see what happens to that event.
Just one little doubt: don't you try to post_event asynchronously to a
regular state_machine? I.e. isn't UpdateNewCANMessage called from
another thread? If so, it's not safe, as you can't be sure what
exactly happens to the state_machine in that moment.
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