Just to see if it was possible and if I could use "auto", I tried to compile my program with /Qstd:C++0x on Intel Windows 11.0.

I am using boost::filesystem (which I assume uses boost::system).  I did not recompile these binaries with this flag turned on (partially because I don't know how to mess with bjam or if I needed to mess with settings).

The only thing that appears to be failing is linking to boost system.  I get the following unresolved externals:

1>sandbox.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "class boost::system::error_category const & __cdecl boost::system::get_system_category(void)" (?get_system_category@system@boost@@YAABVerror_category@12@XZ) referenced in function ___sti__$E
1>sandbox.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "class boost::system::error_category const & __cdecl boost::system::get_generic_category(void)" (?get_generic_category@system@boost@@YAABVerror_category@12@XZ) referenced in function ___sti__$E

I thought maybe automatic linking was buggy, so I tried to add the following to linker inputs, but no luck:  libboost_system-iw-mt-gd-1_38.lib

Any ideas?
