
According to the wave documentation, the include folder functions of the context object work "are modelled after the command line behaviour implemented by the popular gcc compiler."
Unfortunately this is wrong. By default gcc 4.x -Is' folders (when not used with -I-) are searched for "..." and <...> include files. Wave does not do so.

Anyway, I am searching for a solution for this problem:

Lets say I got a file named dub.cpp that I am parsing with wave and that looks like that:

#include <foo/bar.hpp>
int main{}

bar.hpp looks like this:

#include "test.hpp"
extern int a;

test.hpp is just an empty file in the same folder as bar.hpp
I added the parent folder of foo to the wave context object via add_sysinclude_path .
Unfortunately wave does not find the file test.hpp (exception - "error - could not find include file"). I tried nearly all possible combinations of add_include_path, add_sysinclude_path, set_sysinclude_delimiter - but I have not succeeded. This simple sample is still failing.

gcc -c -I"/foo/parent/folder" dub.cpp
works fine though.

Whats wrong?