Hi,I want to use scoped_ptr with std::vector or scoped_array, but the problem is that the type I want to allocate has a non-trivial constructor.What is the standard way to make this work? My current best guess is to use std::vector with boost::scoped_ptr in the following way:TextureUnitsController::TextureUnitsController (){GLint textureUnitCount = 1;glGetIntegerv(GL_MAX_TEXTURE_UNITS, &textureUnitCount);m_textureUnits.resize(textureUnitCount);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < textureUnitCount; i += 1) {m_textureUnits[i].reset(new TextureUnit(GL_TEXTURE0 + i));}
std::cerr << "Found " << textureUnitCount << " texture units..." << std::endl;}But this doesn't work because scoped_ptr also has a non-trivial constructor, so resize fails.ThanksSamuel