Let me begin by saying that I am still rather new to C++ as a language.
I've only taken one low level university course on the language, and most of
my programs are still very limited in scope and functionality.
I am
attempting to use the serialization library to save and load objects from a
dynamic array of pointers. The object to be serialized contains an object***.
The first pointer will bring me to an array of 10 elements, from there each
element contains an arbitrarily large array of pointers to objects that will
be dynamic allocated as they are needed.
While I understand that the
library can handle simple arrays, as well as pointers to objects, I cannot
seem to get it work in this instance. Attempting to serialize the pointer
itself results in an error.
**** The current version of the library cannot serialize a
pointer to a pointer.
>In static member function 'static void
boost::serialization::access::serialize(Archive&, T&, unsigned int)
[with Archive = boost::archive::text_iarchive, T =
>instantiated from 'void
boost::serialization::serialize(Archive&, T&, unsigned int) [with
Archive = boost::archive::text_iarchive, T = spell**]'
from 'void boost::serialization::serialize_adl(Archive&, T&, unsigned
int) [with Archive = boost::archive::text_iarchive, T =
>instantiated from 'void
T>::load_object_data(boost::archive::detail::basic_iarchive&, void*,
unsigned int) const [with Archive = boost::archive::text_iarchive, T =
>functions/general.cpp:85: instantiated from
This seems to make sense as there is not way for the library to
serialize a pointer without knowing what it is pointing to (and array of
arrays in this case).
*** polymorphic objects can be serialzed through
a pointer to their base class
My next choice of action was to
try to serialize the pointer just as I had created it during its
initialization. My hope was that the library would then be able to reconstruct
the object during loading. This is shown in this code.
< ...>
*** somethign like the follow ing should
class spell_object {
spell_object spc[10][10];
ar & spc
// among other